Archive for November, 2011

Archbishop of York’s view of Christianity

In the spirit of enriching our views of the universe by critical discussion, I present below comments on my neighbour Archbishop John Sentamu’s view of Christianity as portrayed on his website. I apologize that I got rather sarcastic about this, but I just didn’t see anywhere else to go. Read more…

25 bad reasons why people believe in God. One of them is probably yours.

In an article this April in New Statesman, 25 public figures outlined why they believe in God. Below, I argue that none of these people have good reasons for their belief. Read more…

Why I think even moderate religion is wrong, harmful, and unnecessary.

I’m going to say some nasty things about moderate religion here. That means I’m going to be negative about the beliefs of a lot of people that I love, including my family, my own friends, and indeed probably about half the population of the UK. Read more…

Gassendi crater and Mare Humorum

On 6th November I took advantage of beautiful transparency (but poor seeing i.e. wobbly air) to sketch Gassendi and Mare Humorum, with the terminator just passing to the west of both. Read more…

Those speedy neutrinos and the beauty of skepticism

No doubt you’ve all heard of the recent claim that neutrinos emitted from the CERN facility in Switzerland arrived at the Gran Sasso detector in central Italy a tiny fraction of a second faster than light would have done. Read more…

My gorgeous Golden waxcaps

One of the treasures of my mini-meadow is the little “colony” of golden waxcap fungi that fruit in autumn. Read more…

Wide field digital sky photos

Me-other-half has got herself a new digital camera, and this got my little brain working. A couple of nights ago I borrowed it to take some long exposure photos of the sky at night, just to see what came out. Here are a couple of the results. Read more…